Where to stay
There are so many options when it comes to staying in and around Sydney. Take a look at this handy accommodation guide for the best deals on some of the best hotels in the area.

5 mins

8 mins
15% off best available daily Best Flexible Rate.* Use special code DOLTNSTAR
* Based on our occupancy and availability, the discount might not be available hence our best flexible rate will apply.

40 mins

13 mins
15% off Best Available Rate.* Use the promo code OVODOLT
* Based on our occupancy and availability, the discount might not be available hence our best flexible rate will apply.

12 mins

22 mins
10% off Best Available Rate.* When making reservation please enter client code and access code in block capitals.
Company Name: DOLTONE HOUSE PTY LTD Customer Code: SC747937159 Access Code: DO883AU582
* Based on our occupancy and availability, the discount might not be available hence our best flexible rate will apply.

27 mins
10% off best flexible rate for city view rooms.* Use promo code S9464
* Based on our occupancy and availability, the discount might not be available hence our best flexible rate will apply.

34 mins
10% off Best Available Rate.* When making reservation please enter client code and access code in block capitals.
Company Name: DOLTONE HOUSE PTY LTD Customer Code: SC747937159 Access Code: DO883AU582
* Based on our occupancy and availability, the discount might not be available hence our best flexible rate will apply.

22 mins
15% off Best Available Rate.* Use the Corporate/Promotional Code DOLTONE
* Based on our occupancy and availability, the discount might not be available hence our best flexible rate will apply.